Meta: GTM Head:

Career Planning

Looking for career options or transitioning into a new industry?  This section is where you will find resources to research careers including education and wages, complete assessments to evaluate your skills and view videos to explore occupations.

Tip Sheets

11 Tips for Career Planning
Getting Started with Career Planning
Starting in your first job or new career


Career Planning
Exploring Careers
Career Laddering
Informational Interviews

Resources and Links

Career Planning Resources at
Career Planning Quizzes
Explore Occupational Profiles
Explore Careers by Skills and Knowledge
Getting a job in a different province or territory
Labour Mobility

Self Assessments:
Holland Code Career Test
The MAPP (Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential) career assessment
Career Cluster Interest Survey
16Personalities (Free Personality Test)
Career Assessment & Questionnaire
Values Assessment
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Entrepreneurial potential self-assessment
Career Explorer by sokanu
InSight™ Values / Work Characteristics Inventory
Leadership ability quiz
